Greetings and blessings from the Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. Enjoy the testimonies of our attendants:

A man was reading our windows when I came back from the coffee shop. I said, “Would you like to come in?” He said, “Oh this is you? Yes please, I would love to. What is Christian Science?” He was new to Christianity, three months new. But he really had a burning desire to help people, and to understand the Bible. I said, “Well, Mary Baker Eddy figured out how Jesus healed and wrote a book about it.” Then I told him of her early experiences and her discovery of healing in the Scriptures after some big injuries were healed by reading the Bible, and how she subsequently became a great healer and teacher. He was told how she came to write her book. I spent some time with the book, showing him the Fruitage chapter, the Glossary and Genesis and the Apocalypse. He readily purchased the new mid-sized edition when I told him it would light up the Bible for him. Then he shared that he had been asking God to explain the Scripture. I said, “Well, He brought you here.”
A man came in at the end of the shift and wanted to know about Christian Science. He was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her writings, and our fantastic periodicals. I walked him through a little of Science and Health and he readily purchased a hardback foil edition. He then was interested in the study room and the attendant pointed out the bound volumes and told him that she frequently would open one of them at any point and it would not fail to inspire her. He stayed for another hour reading before his flight.
A young man came in and walked right in to the study room and looked carefully at the music, and then at our books and then in the stacks at the bound volumes. He then came into the sales room and told me how unusual it was to see such a wonderful place in an airport. I told him we had been here 62 years. He was surprised. Then he was introduced to Christian Science and Mrs. Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures. I showed him several editions of Science and Health, and just then his mom and four other children came in and he asked her to purchase this little book. He told me his dad was one of the smartest people in the world and would love it. I said he would, because I am one of those people that is always learning from it and relating it to everything. He purchased the mid-sized blue paperback, and it will bless that family.
A woman came in and needed to use our computer to try to get a permission to travel because her visa wasn’t working as prepared. Now two days prior we had 2 visitors with that problem, and the computer got her so far, but she ended up doing the application on her smartphone, and they had missed their flight because of the problem. The visa did not match the passport number or something and they had to reapply with an expectation of a 72-hour turnaround. They had come all the way from Bodega Bay, and they finally left thoroughly disappointed but thanked us for the hospitality. Today it took me awhile to realize that this was a similar problem. She came out of the study room and was telling me the challenges, and that it can take up to 72 hours. I suggested prayer. She said she had prayed. I said, “Let me pray!” I silently asked God that if this could be done by the time her flight left at 3pm, it would be just wonderful. And I thanked Him in advance. Well, an hour later she told me it had been approved (one hour!) and she printed her papers and was getting ready to leave for the gates. I said, “You should buy this book. I want you to see how prayer did that!” She said, “I will!” And she purchased a marble paperback edition of Science and Health. I gave this testimony in church and the comment in another remark was, “What do we see?” It is from Matthew 11:7, “What went ye out . . . to see? A reed shaken with the wind?” In the first instance, I had been hypnotized into accepting the problem. Jesus said, “Watch.” Mary Baker Eddy says, “Stand porter at the door of thought.”
A gentleman came in and was very interested in our literature. He was introduced to Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy and her writings. He was Christian and was visiting his sister who is a pastor and decided to purchase Science and Health for her. He thought it would help her and/or be of great interest to her.
A woman came into the Reading Room and asked if we sold books. She was travelling and needed something to read on the plane. I told her we sold Bibles and Christian Science literature. I showed her Science and Health and told her that Mary Baker Eddy, its author, had figured out how Jesus healed and had written this book about it. The woman said, “I’ll take one!” I silently blessed that book and knew that it would bless her.
When I stopped by the Reading Room, the attendant serving had 3 visitors, and at least one more came in for a few minutes and then read, and then left. There was a woman at the desk and she loved what the attendant had been telling her. The attendant was working on a stack of literature to be put out, and pointing to a Sentinel I mentioned, “Oh that is a good one!” She took it. She was then told that the woman who started all this figured out how Jesus healed and wrote this book about it. She was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her early life and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures and how she came to write the book. She then named her discovery Christian Science. I walked her through a little of the textbook, and she was thrilled. When I told her I had that book for only $13, she said, “Oh I will take one, but I want to contribute more.” She ended up giving us a $40 donation as well as the $13 for the book on her credit card. She was given a Christian Science Journal and shown the directory in the back of Churches and Reading Rooms. What a wonderful visitor.
A young man came into the Reading Room seeking a cell phone charge for his iPhone and asking what was this place. I introduced him to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures, and how she came to write Science and Health. He asked if it could heal mental illness, schizophrenia, and I explained how I had been healed of that illness. He was told a little of how not to mentally malpractice on oneself, and how important it is to be grateful and positive about one’s life and circumstances, and how Christian Science helps with not just sickness, but finances, relationships, addiction and other destructive patterns, and provides answers to all kinds of questions. When I asked for the sale, he took out his credit card and readily purchased a marble paperback Science and Health.
A man came in and asked about Bibles. He wanted to let his friend know that he had found a store that sold Bibles. We were talking and he gave me $20 for a Christian Science Monitor and, as I was trying to make change, I remarked that all my advanced degrees were not helping me make change. That led to a discussion of the economy, markets, the dollar, etc. and he asked me many questions, for which I had answers and I had questions for him. It was a lively discussion and finally he allowed me to bring it back to Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures. He purchased a Science and Health and then went into the city for a few hours since his plane was delayed. He is from the area in Virginia where I once lived, and worked for a company for whom I did contract work.
A young man who works for one of the airlines came in and sat down, as I was working on the board reports and told him what I was trying to get done, and he said, it’s OK, I just like being here. Then I said, “Do you wanna buy a book?” He said, “Yes, I have the money to do that today.” He gave me $20 and then said, “Keep the change.” (This has never happened!) He stayed for quite awhile, and immediately the phone rang and, as I was talking, Ruby, the manager of the candy stand next door, came by and needed me to run over and watch her store while she ran to the ladies room. So the visitor came with me, and I stood in back of the candy stand and he stood in front for about 3 minutes until she returned. While at the candy stand, he asked me how there could be no darkness or evil in God. We went over the definition from the textbook he had purchased and was carrying, and I showed him how Mrs. Eddy had pulled that complete definition from her reading of the Bible. There is no place in that definition for evil or darkness when God is All. When Ruby returned he returned to the Reading Room and used our computer rejoicing in our password, “Godislove.”
A young woman came into the Reading Room while on the phone and asked if she could sit in the study room. I invited her right in. She was there almost an hour, then left while still on the phone. A while later I ran into her again in the Terminal and she was looking lost. I stopped and said, “What is the problem? Please let me help you?” She said that her flight had been cancelled, and she had been on the phone and had made a reservation for a later flight and then found an earlier one on Delta. She was debating what to do. She just had to get to Mobile, AL for a 3pm meeting. I looked at the line at the Delta counter, which was long, and I told her to go and get right in that line. I quoted from Science and Health, “All that God imparts moves in accord with Him reflecting goodness and power.” I told her this is Christian Science metaphysical language for “Don’t worry about the line. God will move it.” She came back not 15 minutes later smiling and waving a boarding pass at me. I was thrilled for her. They had found an even earlier flight with a seat on another airline. I invited her in to hear about Christian Science but she had to get to her gate. I am so glad I finally talked to her and I am grateful to have been able to help.
A wonderful woman came in and was more than 5 hours early for her flight and said, “I thought I would see if I can find a book to read for the flight home.” I told her I had the best book ever. I showed her the Christian Science textbook, and told her that if she loved the Bible, it would light it up for her. I told her about the chapter on Fruitage. She said, “You know, Mary Baker Eddy was the mother of all books written on spiritual healing,” and she told me she knew of Norman Vincent Peale (The Power of Positive Thinking) and was raised on that philosophy. I showed her the marble edition of Science and Health on the desk, and the sterling paperback which she readily purchased. We also talked about alcoholism in her family. As it turns out, we have shared many similar experiences. She told me she was very glad she had come in.
A woman came in who had some time until her next flight, and asked if she could just go and read. She came out a while later with our marked books and asked how this worked. Also, she knew the second chapter of Luke by heart. I explained to her about our Pastor and showed her how the citations from Science and Health correlate with the Bible citations for the lesson. I explained a little of the spiritual import of the Bible which is highlighted in Science and Health. She read some more and then came out and I asked if I could explain a little of Christian Science. But she would not let me really get started because she wanted to tell me about all the drama and problems with her relationship with her son. She said, “How can you heal the relationship if you don’t understand it?” The answer is that the relationship is human while the healing is divine. At the end of the description, I presented a little of Mary Baker Eddy and her book, Science and Health. As it turned out she wasn’t so receptive. I finally decided that we were talking past each other, so I told her she just had to love her son, and replace all her critical and self-pitiful thoughts concerning him, with “He is God’s child, now and always!” And above all “just love him.” “What ever comes to you to think, it has to be with love or don’t allow yourself to think those thoughts. Love will do the work.” I learned this from a practitioner when I was new in Christian Science.
A man came in and purchased a Christian Science Monitor after taking several free ones. He asked how to donate to us. He had been out here for Association and was on his way to Boston to visit The Mother Church. He lives in the UK and wants to be a regular donor. I gave him a Fruitage Report, which has the donation information.
A wonderful lady came in and walked right into the sales area where the Journal, Sentinel and themed booklets are displayed, and pulled a copy of God’s Law of Adjustment by Adam Dickey. She asked if this was a good little book. I said, “Yes, and that was fairly famous because it was only one article and fairly detailed on the metaphysics of healing.” She said she was led to pick it up and we talked a little of how we hear the divine guidance. She gave me the money, and as I was making change, I began to tell her how Mary Baker Eddy had figured out how Jesus healed and written this wonderful book. She was told a little of Mrs. Eddy’s history with emphasis on how God had told her in no uncertain terms to write the book. A doctor who witnessed one of Mrs. Eddy’s healings told her to write a book, and the next time she opened her Bible her eyes went right to Isaiah 30:8 which says, “Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever.” She readily purchased a marble copy of Science and Health. A month or so later she called and asked if I remembered her. I did, and she asked if I could please help her with the belief of concussion? I happily said, “Yes!” and told her of my experiences with that claim. Briefly, for over a month I had a headache where the top of my head hurt. I finally asked God what my treatment was missing, and I immediately heard an advertisement for the movie, Concussion. I handled that belief and was healed in two days. Moreover, I told her that when I have been healed or protected myself against any claim once or twice, that treatment becomes part of me and is the easiest of all healing when spiritual understanding morphs into absolute faith. I am happy she thought to call us.
The loveliest woman came in and was looking through her purse for a pamphlet called the Power of God. I said, “Oh, we know about that; we heal with it every day.” She said, “Really?” And I pointed to Science and Health and said, “Yes. Mary Baker Eddy, who figured out how Jesus healed.” Then I picked up a book for sale on the desk and handed it to her, and read the first sentence on page 1 from Science & Health, namely, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love. Regardless of what another may say or think on this subject, I speak from experience.” (S&H 1:1–5). She had recently lost her youngest son to cancer, and was so sad; but she told me that she had heard, “Weep no more!” and on another occasion, “Don’t be sad for him.” She also said that she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be doing but was here for a reason, because she had emerged unscathed from what could have been a fatal car accident. I told her that something had brought her here, and that this book would really help her gain some spiritual understanding and to be a better healer. She purchased a marble copy of Science and Health.
A delightful Chinese man who lived in Cupertino came into the Reading Room to kill some time to make sure his son’s flight took off. The previous day he left and had to return since his son’s flight was cancelled. While waiting he came here and walked into the study room and began reading the Christian Science Sentinel on the table. He came out and asked about it and he was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures and her book. He told me his wife was very Christian but very weak, and was very conscious of what she ate and how she felt. I happened to remember several citations from last week’s lesson, which I had marked and put aside to study daily, and I began to read to him. One was: (S&H 219:15–20) “We shall not call the body weak, if we would have it strong; for the belief in feebleness must obtain in the human mind before it can be made manifest on the body, and the destruction of the belief will be the removal of its effects.” Another one was: (S&H 208:29-31) “You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness.” He readily purchased the Sterling hard back edition of Science and Health.
A man came in and wanted to know what we were doing here in an airport. I told him, “What we always do, sell books and Christian Science literature, answer questions, clear up misconceptions about Christian Science and explain spiritual things.” He had really just come in to charge his phone, but since someone was using the charging station in the study room, I just unplugged my phone and plugged his in. Then he sat down. He said, “I am so surprised to see anything Christian in an airport.” I told him a little of Christian Science and he attentively listened, and ended up purchasing a marble edition of Science and Health.
A young man came into the Reading Room and kept coming once a day to catch Ed, and would always ask me to tell Ed he was up at USO and to please stop up there if he had time. One day he mentioned that he had this blood immune deficiency and what would happen if he could not get platelets since the plasma supply was low. I said, “Hold on, you are coming in here to see me! Sit down!” I explained a little of Christian Science, that Mary Baker Eddy had figured out how Jesus healed; and I went straight to the spiritual creation in the 1st chapter of Genesis, and then explained that the 2nd chapter was about the flesh. Jesus said, “It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing.” (John 6:63) He was shown the Fruitage chapter which contains of letters of healings of every disease known to man which occurred just by reading the book. I worked the treatment out loud and ended up giving him a Sunday School copy of Science and Health which someone had donated. I told him to begin reading and it would open his understanding and heal a whole lot of things. We can think rightly about a problem and it solves or goes away. He comes to catch Ed but it seems a little less often. Ed always helps him with prayer.
A woman came in exclaiming, “This place saved me!” She came into the Reading Room a year ago, homeless. The attendant told her that she was a child of God upright, and pure, and that God loved her and would guide her. She went to the city to find assistance, and she is now leading a productive life. She was at the airport waiting for her mother and sister from Atlanta to move in with her. She expressed a great deal of love and gratitude.
A gentleman came in and looked around and was searching the periodicals on the give-away shelf in the front, searching the Christian Science Journals. He found a couple, and came over and said, let me give you a donation, and gave the attendant $20. He expressed an interest in learning more, and the attendant suggested he read Science and Health, and he gave him a Marble paperback, informing the man that he had really already paid for it. The man was delighted and could not believe it was so reasonably priced.
The same evening, another man came in and wanted to know what we were about. He had never heard of Christian Science. They chatted a while and the attendant told the guest that we were all over the world and every church had a Reading Room similar to this. He was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her wonderful book. The man purchased a marble copy of Science and Health with a credit card. Interestingly, this attendant has been working in our Reading Room for many (forty) years and has never sold anything until the last two shifts. He sold a Concordance, an Interpreters Bible and a biography, and this evening he sold two copies of Science and Health to two different people. You never know who is ready. And when you serve here you are pleasantly surprised at the receptivity of the visitors.
This wonderful woman came in and asked if I knew of a McDonald’s or someplace she could get cheap good eats. I thought, “In the airport?” I gave her a bag of pretzels we had and a cup of tea. She said she just gotten out of prison and was here until 4:45 pm. She had never flown before until she flew here. She had found Christianity in prison, and came here because she saw “Christian” on our door. She had been wandering around the airport for three hours and had purchased a drink for $3 which was a cold coffee drink from Duncan Donuts. She had very little money left. She had to get from the Great Falls, Montana Airport to this halfway house where she was assigned to go. She had a Bible with her things, so I introduced her to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing and gave her an old trade edition of Science and Health which someone had donated. She read for a while, especially the Fruitage chapter. We talked for several hours. This woman had a very, very difficult childhood. But she had forgiven all of the people that abused her. She was given a Christian Science Journal, and shown the churches in Montana. Churches are located in both Great Falls and Butte where she will be living. She said that Christian Science churches were on the list of churches suggested for her to attend, and she will be going to First Church, Great Falls on Sunday. I gave her a great big hug when she left. This woman did not even know she was loved until she found Christianity. I am smiling teary-eyed with gratitude as I write this.
Two young girls came in who had just come to the United States to attend school, and asked me to pray specifically for them to heal stress. I introduced them to Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy. One of them told me she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I told her about my healing of that very illness. This girl asked me to pray for them both, which I agreed to do, and I suggested the Lord’s Prayer. We turned to it in the textbook on page 16-17, and I prayed for them specifically to address the temptation to believe in or be tempted by the bipolar or the stress argument, and showed them that “Thy will be done!” means that they are perfect and it is not God’s will that they be stressed or troubled by bipolar. They were told “When the tempter comes with the mania or the feeling of being overwhelmed, to just say ‘No!’ to it. And see what happens. You may have to tell it more than once at first, but it will eventually stop troubling you.” Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously. . . . Exclude from mortal mind the offending errors; then the body cannot suffer from them.” (SH 392:24-27, 31-32.) And they were told to feel free to ask God to order their steps and prioritize their day.
A wonderful visitor came in and wanted to know what we were, and what was Christian Science. He was told a little of Christian Science and introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and told how she came to write her wonderful book, Science and Health. Then he was shown what I call the punch line of my introduction to Science and Health which is on page 1, sentence 1, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love,” and he was told that Christian Science heals everything. Although the book focuses on health, one will see by reading it that it heals everything: sin, sickness, death, fear, finances, relationships, romance, and even one’s sex life. Everything that mortals are subject to on earth has a divine law or rule of healing to govern it and correct the problem, because we are the children of God made in His image and likeness. He knew his Bible and continued to ask questions which I answered as best I could. He told me that he was suffering from ennui: the blahs! He told me he felt like he wasn’t giving life his all and wasn’t living up to the expectations of his employer. I explained about mental malpractice. And how we say, “Oh I don’t feel well,” and the brain says, “Well, OK, whatever you say!” and we bring it about. I suggested we ask God to send the angels to really prosper this young man in his activities while here in San Francisco representing his company at the convention; and that he has a splendid and prosperous experience in his assignments; and that he has fun with it which comes from enthusiasm. I blessed that prayer and said, “It is done!” I could feel the change in his being. He was told to be sure and keep his thought wide open to divine direction, and listen to the still, small voice. He purchased a marble copy of Science and Health, which will light up the Bible for him. His name was Angel!
Two young women came in very interested in what we were. They were introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures and to Christian Science. They were so interested, their mouths were opened in amazement. I told them I had the book for $13, and the mom came in and gave me her debit card and selected the pamphlet “Safety” for herself. The girls were flying home and could not wait to start reading. The mom was sad to see them go. She is here in San Francisco taking care of her mother and missing her kids. I really wish I could have had time to talk to her by herself. I sent them off with our favorite travel blessing from Psalm 100, “May the Lord preserve thy going out and thy coming in.” (Ps. 121:8)
A young Portuguese-speaking woman came in just as far as the basket, looking through the free literature. I approached her to ask if I could help. We talked for a few minutes and she said that what got her attention was the name. Christian Science. “She wondered how Christianity could be connected with science.”
Her eyes were wide open and her face animated with the new concept. I explained a little about our Leader’s revelation that there must be a science to Christ’s teachings and healings. The lady understood that and mentioned that she had heard of the “science of creation” thought. I was able to share more about God as the intelligence of the universe. She nodded her head, still very eager to learn. I noticed an accent and asked her what was her native language. She said Portuguese. We found a Portuguese Herald, O Arauto Da Ciência Cristã, and she took it. She also took a Sentinel and a Monitor, and she was encouraged to go to
A Catholic priest came in to pick up a free Christian Science Monitor in our basket. We chatted for several minutes about the value of expressing God’s love. I corrected his misconception of Christian Science being involved in Scientology. He eagerly picked up the brochure, “What is Christian Science?” I am sure this was the only Christian Science Reading Room he had ever visited.
A young man came in this morning and asked what we were, and “What is Christian Science?” I began to explain a little of Christian Science and introduced him to Mary Baker Eddy and our wonderful textbook. He took a brochure, but I suggested he take some of the free literature, the Sentinels, because they tell of wonderful healing experiences people have for all sorts of challenges. He asked me what I would suggest as a book since he was headed back to New York. I suggested Science and Health. I pulled the midsized copy from the shelf, which he readily purchased. I was so happy for him, and we blessed his trip with Psalm 21:8.
A woman came in from Atlanta who said she was seeking some direction in her life. She was recently divorced and seeking a job, and she was seeking comfort. We discussed the importance of connecting with God with a humble receptive heart. As we went through the lesson sermon and various parts of Science and Health, she asked several questions on Christian Science, and purchased a Science and Health, a full-text Bible lesson, and selected a number of periodicals from our basket, including a recent Christian Science Journal, to find a Christian Science church in Atlanta. Her receptive thought brought her the Christ and she walked out buoyant in spirit with God.
A young man came in and looked around and asked, “What is this place? What is Christian Science?” I invited him to sit down and introduced him to Mary Baker Eddy and our wonderful textbook explaining the origins of Christian Science and her discovery of spiritual healing in the Scriptures. He said that he was Christian, but he knew a lot of Jewish history. I was led to show him pages 360 and 361 in Science and Health where Mrs. Eddy reconciles the spiritual agreement of Judaism and Christianity, and how Christian Science settles the question of the nature of God and Christ. I suggested he purchase the book because it would really open up the Scriptures to him. He said, “Well, I’ll come back and buy it Friday, which is payday.” I said, “We’ll be here. We never miss Fridays.” He left and came back about ten minutes later and he said, “You know, I have enough money to waste on other stuff this week, so I decided to buy something really good. I’ll take the book!” I was thrilled. I handed him a brand new wrapped marble copy of Science and Health.
A man from Mainland China came in interested, and asked lots of questions. His first language was Mandarin. He looked at our Chinese Bible and said he had one. He told me his journey from three adversities: divorce, business failure and trying to find the meaning of life and failing. So he turned to the Bible. He was baptized a Christian but had not turned to it until now. Then he came to the US, Hawaii, and was inspired by statues of Jesus in the Church of Latter Day Saints. He was waiting for his mother and stayed in the Reading Room, excited to learn about healing spiritually without drugs and medicine. He was introduced to the Christian Science textbook and the Christian Science Journal. We discovered only one branch church in Hong Kong, and none in mainland China. He was very polite, well-spoken and sincere. It was a delight to see his fresh enthusiasm for Christ and the Bible.
A young man came in and asked if I understood prayer and asked if I could I pray for him. I asked what was the problem? He said, I have this dry skin problem on my hands and arms. He showed it to me, and I asked him, “Is anyone or anything irritating you?” Sometimes the body externalizes our thought in various symptoms. He said yes, and I suggested he forgive someone. I said, “Take that person’s face into your focus and say, ‘I forgive you. I release you. I hold no unforgiveness back. You are free. I am free!’ On the last one you will feel the weight of that resentment or anger just lift off of you.” We talked some more and I agreed to pray for him. I suggested he buy the Christian Science textbook and he said that he did, about six months ago, from me. Also, he was on his way to a meeting in San Francisco about a will that his late dad had left and his brother’s expressed need to control all the money and the estate. I declared that man is honest and generous and that we will try to see his brother in the light of God’s vision of him and the family, and that he could not be cheated. No one can deprive him of anything that is rightfully his. He had to run to his meeting but I am sure we helped him. Several days later he returned. I asked, “How are your hands?” He proudly presented them as healthy, soft, smooth, with unbroken skin, and whole. I asked about the meeting with his brother regarding the estate. He told me the meeting went very, very well. He was so pleased. Now he wants to learn how he can learn to heal. I said, “Well, Science and Health is an ensouled text, like the Bible, in that you can pick it up and open it and you are led to read what you need. If you read and do not understand, ask God what it means. When you are in that book and the Bible, you can freely ask God and some idea will come to you. God is in those books because they are His Word, His Law.” The man photographed the Christian Science Journal’s list of churches in Utah near his residence, so that he could attend.
As it turns out he is in and out of SFO and will continue to stop by. He has been here since with more questions, most recently about really connecting to God. I shared some of the Philip Hockley lecture that I attended that weekend, particularly Philip’s experience with the window of his consciousness opening to the Infinite for the very first time and drinking in the inspiration of a Christian Science lecture he was attending for the first time. He gave us a donation for all our help.
So much of the activity of helping people in this Reading Room and introducing them to spiritual solutions to human problems involves teaching them how not to malpractice on themselves.
An airport security guard came into the Reading Room and stayed for 30 minutes. He asked how he could pray to regain his faith in God. I talked to him about God’s pure, loving presence, citing Genesis 1 and showing him the chapter on Prayer in Science and Health. He said he would come back and check out Science and Health another day.
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