Christian Science Reading Room San Francisco International Airport, Terminal 1 Tue, 19 Nov 2024 04:11:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 40653877 Fruitage Report Fall 2024 Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:14:12 +0000 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf. ...

The post Fruitage Report Fall 2024 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Airport Rr

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A young couple who had an unscheduled flight delay saw the overhead sign, “Christian Science Reading Room,” and came in. They said they both loved to read. We had the most wonderful talk about God and His love for us. They were both very thoughtful and interested in helping to bring peace and understanding to others. As they left, they thanked me for discussing God and His attributes.

A front window reader came in after reading the Bible selection that was marked with a passage from Luke about Jesus’ healing of a woman who was bent over. He asked for an explanation of Christian Science including why the two words are linked together in the name. We discussed some of the healings found in the Bible with supporting thoughts from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. He asked about the location of a Christian Science church and Reading Room in his hometown and was given a Christian Science Journal for location reference as he departed.

A Transportation Security Administration employee came by and asked if he could look around. He was very happy to have found a quiet place to spend some time and we soon talked about the Bible. He shared that he has a brother who is living on the streets and is taking drugs. We talked about how God loves all His children universally and that acknowledging Him through daily demonstration and praying for a better understanding of our relationship to Him, can only bring healing. As he departed, he selected a Christian Science Sentinel from our complimentary literature stand.

Two young students of a differing faith came in after reading the Science and Health and Bible weekly lesson citations displayed in our front window. I was asked a couple of questions which included what I like about Christian Science, followed by what I dislike about the religion. I let divine Love guide the answers in sharing my understanding that the basis of Christian Science was love for God and mankind but couldn’t come up with one negative response. The students seemed satisfied with the answers I provided and they picked up a copy of the “What is Christian Science?” brochure on the way out.

A young man came in and asked if he could look around, and I said “of course.” He went to the study room and looked over the Bible translations and was soon looking over our display of themed pamphlets and reading one of them. He began to question some of the truths found in the pamphlet which led to our discussion of Christian Science. He purchased the pamphlet and picked up some literature on the way out. Reading Rooms are indeed offering that “…cup of cold water…” to anyone seeking the Truth. (S&H 570:16-18)

A family came in to see what the Reading Room was all about. They liked the convenience of having a place to pray and study the Bible at the airport. While their two kids sat at the children’s table to color and piece together a Bible themed puzzle, the mother focused on the display shelves of themed pamphlets. I told her how I was healed of a challenge in college from a pamphlet article and how much I liked them. She came to the desk to further talk with me and then purchased two pamphlets. I also gave her the brochure, “What is Christian Science?”

A visitor came in who was very excited to find our Reading Room. She accepted an offer from an airline for a voucher to travel on a later flight and was thrilled that she could spend the extra time in the Reading Room. We discussed ways to pray for unity about church business. I shared with her a link to the article “Spiritual Unity Nullifies Animal Magnetism,” (5/19/1950 CS Journal) by Aileen Wavro, as well as a link to “Do we get or react?” (5/9/1964 CS Sentinel) by the same author.

An airport employee came by our window and took pictures of the Bible and Science and Health marked passages from the weekly Bible lesson. He then came in to say how much he appreciates them as he began attending church again regularly and how his life is so much better as a result.

A man was standing outside the Reading Room door looking in. I said “good morning” to him and invited him in. He initially asked if we were Scientology and when I replied, “no,” he came in and asked what we were. I told him we are a Christian religion based on the King James version of the Bible and the teachings and healings of Christ Jesus. We discussed Saul of Tarsus’ spiritual conversion as Paul in Acts 9 and then discussed Mary Baker Eddy’s remarks on “leaving the old for the new.” (S&H 323: 32-3). He further asked about the tenets of our church, which we read and discussed in detail. As he departed, he expressed his gratitude for the visit and what he learned, then selected a Christian Science Sentinel from our complimentary literature stand.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been at the airport for nearly 68 years, sharing Christian Science and its healing principles with approximately 5700 visitors each year including travelers, airport personnel, and the local community–with over 60 copies of Science and Health sold annually!

Regular Contributions

  • Please consider a donation to the JMRR at SFO during this year’s global Giving Tuesday event, December 3! Please donate at:
  • Contributions are always welcome and can be made on our website at or by check (made payable to: Christian Science Reading Room) to the mailing address:

Kathi Riley, Treasurer
PO Box 340235
Sacramento, CA 95384

Endowment Fund Giving

  • We have established a Reading Room Endowment Fund to support both short-term and long-term operations at the airport.
  • Our $4.5 million dollar endowment goal is ambitious, but necessary for sustained operations in an expensive operating environment – we need your financial support today for tomorrow!
  • Please consider giving to the Endowment Fund as part of individual, church, or CS Association outreach, or a future financial commitment through personal estate planning.
  • If you are interested in giving to the Endowment Fund, please contact us by email at

We thank our participating churches that serve on the board year-round. They are:

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hayward

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Altos

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palo Alto

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Rafael

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

“The two largest words in the vocabulary of thought are ‘Christian’ and ‘Science.’
The former is the highest style of man; the latter reveals and interprets God and man;
it aggregates, amplifies, unfolds, and expresses the ALL-GOD.”
(No and Yes, 10:6–10)

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Fruitage Report Spring 2024 Thu, 16 May 2024 19:03:01 +0000 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf. ...

The post Fruitage Report Spring 2024 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,

and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Airport Rr

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A woman came in and proceeded to the study room for an hour of reading. Before departing she exclaimed, “The last time I visited I read from the Bible and that ‘other book’ and by the time I arrived home, there was no longer discomfort in my legs. I was completely healed!” Sharing in the gratitude of her healing, I asked if the “other book” she mentioned was Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. She responded, “Oh yes!” I was so grateful she shared her healing with me. She then exclaimed, “I’ll be back!”

An airport employee briefly stopped by to share how much he appreciated our display stands with the daily posting of Bible verses and passages from Science and Health that correspond with the Weekly Bible Lesson. He said he routinely stops by to read the open books and inspiring passages through our large front glass window, accessible to passersby anytime of the day or night.  Selecting and sharing these passages from our Pastor, the Bible and Science and Health, is always an enjoyable and rewarding activity of serving as a Reading Room attendant.

During attendance at an out-of-state Christian Science Bible study event, I mentioned serving as a Reading Room volunteer attendant at the airport to a man who recently moved to San Francisco. That topic prompted another event participant to tell me that someone from their church in Southern California learned of Christian Science through the Reading Room at the airport and eventually became a church member. His entire family now attends the same church. Although this visit to our jointly maintained Reading Room took place years ago, it’s lovely to hear of the impact the visit made.

A traveler visited with her dog. There had been some airline-related issues that led her to rebook her flight and so she was looking for a quiet place to pray before her delayed check-in. Sensing some impatience and frustration due to the delay, I saw an opportunity to share with her an experience and lesson on grace and patience. I told her about my mom and how she would prepare to host the ladies bridge group. The day before she would make floral arrangements with flowers from her garden to place around the house. She would store the flowers in the refrigerator overnight to keep them fresh. One time, however, she was a flower short and decided she would “help” a flower open so it could be beautifully displayed along with the other open ones. The next day when she moved the flower arrangement from the refrigerator, that forcibly opened flower had shriveled and wilted. I then shared with her a spiritual perspective and lesson from the experience: It is otherwise helpful and more useful for us to forgo self-will and to let our activities progress in accordance with the natural unfoldment and timing of God’s plan and qualities through each of us as His creation. The woman thanked me for sharing these ideas and departed with a complimentary Christian Science Monitor taken from the literature basket. I was later reminded of this quote from Science and Health, “The only intelligence or substance of a thought, a seed, or a flower is God, the creator of it.” (509:5-6)

A traveler stopped in because he had heard about Christian Science and our Reading Room location at the airport. He wanted to spend a few minutes prior to his flight reading healing testimonies. I handed him a copy of a recent Christian Science Sentinel and showed him where he could find weekly testimonies from individuals who relied on Christian Science prayer for healing.

A traveler visited who appeared to be quite pressed for time but was determined to learn about Christian Science before checking in for her flight. She first asked a question our attendants hear a lot, “What is Christian Science?” After explaining to her that it is a Bible-based religion which adheres to the words and works of Christ Jesus through the daily demonstration of those practical truths, she asked a follow-up question about what she could personally do each day to practice Christian Science. I was led to share with her this passage from Science and Health, “Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers. Practice not profession, understanding not belief, gain the ear and right hand of omnipotence and they assuredly call down infinite blessings.” (15:26-30) We talked briefly about these three activities and how they improve our spirituality and morality which leads to healing both sickness and sin. She was so grateful for our brief discussion and her introduction to Christian Science and Science and Health.

A visitor came in and walked into the study room and began to read from the “oversized” Bible that was opened to the 23rd Psalm. Shortly thereafter he came out to the attendant’s desk to comment that he was feeling very sad due to the passing of a family member. He then shared that he received a great deal of comfort and inspiration reading Psalm 23:4 and 6, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me,” and “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” We discussed Jesus’ overcoming the belief of death by his understanding and demonstration of life eternal, as God’s child created in His spiritual image and likeness. (Gen. 1:26) We also recalled the Bible verse from Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” I then shared with him a passage from Science and Health, “Life is eternal. We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof.” (246:27-28) As he was leaving, I gave him a Christian Science Sentinel from our literature basket which included an article addressing the false claim of death. He departed with a smile and a wave.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been at the airport for 67 years, sharing Christian Science and its healing principles with approximately 5700 visitors each year including travelers, airport personnel, and the local community–with over 60 copies of Science and Health sold annually!

Regular Contributions

  • Please consider giving during our donation matching campaign!
  • Every dollar, up to $50,000, is being matched with contributions made between April 1 and July 1, 2024.
  • Contributions are always welcome and can be made on our website at or by check (made payable to: Christian Science Reading Room) to the mailing address:

San Francisco International Airport
Christian Science Reading Room, Terminal 2
San Francisco, CA 94125

Endowment Fund Giving

  • We have recently established a Reading Room Endowment Fund to support both short-term and long-term operations at the airport.
  • Our $4.5 million dollar endowment goal is ambitious, but necessary for sustained operations in an expensive operating environment – we need your financial support today for tomorrow!
  • Please consider giving to the Endowment Fund as part of individual, church, or CS Association outreach, or a future financial commitment through personal estate planning.
  • If you are interested in giving to the Endowment Fund, please contact us by email at

We thank our participating churches that serve on the board year-round. They are:

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hayward

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Altos

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palo Alto

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Rafael

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

“The two largest words in the vocabulary of thought are ‘Christian’ and ‘Science.’
The former is the highest style of man; the latter reveals and interprets God and man;
it aggregates, amplifies, unfolds, and expresses the ALL-GOD.”
(No and Yes, 10:6–10)

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Fruitage Report Winter 2023 Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:10:51 +0000 “All Science is Christian Science; the Science of the Mind that is God, and of the universe as His idea, and their relation to each other.” (Mis. 4:6–9) Click here ...

The post Fruitage Report Winter 2023 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“All Science is Christian Science; the Science of the Mind that is God, and of the universe as His idea, and their relation to each other.” (Mis. 4:6–9)

Reading Room at SFO

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A traveler, who was talking on his cell phone, approached our front window to read the daily Bible lesson citations marked in the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. After a few moments, I realized he was reading aloud from both books, sharing the citations with a friend through his phone. What blesses one blesses all! (S&H 206:15)

A San Francisco police officer came by one day while on duty, and exclaimed, “I love your daily Bible selections in the window, I read them all the time, thank you!”

An airport employee stopped by to specifically express and share his appreciation and receptivity to the Christian Science Tenets he saw hanging on the Reading Room wall in a picture frame. I shared with him that the Tenets were included in the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, authored by the religion’s discoverer and founder, Mary Baker Eddy. He took a photo of the Tenets with his phone and was happy to have them for future reference and reflection. He said he would be back to pick up a copy of Science and Health!

A man walked up to read the Bible lesson citations from the marked Bible in the front window. He came to the door and told me how thrilled he was to read them. He went back to take a picture of the verses and said he was eager to call his father to share the passage. After he departed, I thought about how wonderful it is that our pastor, the Bible and Science and Health, is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year. “So shall the glory of God be revealed, all flesh shall see it and all shall be healed; in word and deed declare Him and adore Him. God’s will is done, and all is plain before Him.” (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 246:3)

A visitor came by and started to read the weekly Bible lesson citations from our window and kept looking to his cell phone. After several minutes outside, he entered and went into the study room and pulled one of the bound Christian Science (CS) Journal volumes from the shelf. Shortly thereafter, I went into the study room to offer some assistance and found him with tears in his eyes. He mentioned hearing that Christian Science was a cult religion and wanted to see for himself if this was true. When he was reading the weekly Bible lesson citations out front, he also began reading about Mary Baker Eddy and The Mother Church on his phone and decided to come in to learn more. He randomly grabbed a 1952 CS Journal (Volume 70), and started to read an article on page 169, “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost.” He shared that his wife had lost their son during childbirth, and they were very distraught about it and couldn’t understand “why God had allowed this to happen.” But he said the article immediately consoled and comforted him as he realized more about the truth of God’s love for all mankind, including his son who had passed away. His tears were actually tears of joy from his realization of God’s unyielding love for all His children as expressed in the CS Journal article. The gentleman said he initially came to the Reading Room with the intent to criticize and could only find the love of Christ. He stayed for over two hours asking many questions and departed with several complimentary periodicals, including a recent CS Journal so he could locate a Christian Science church near his home. “Ear hath not heard, nor hath lip spoken, the pure language of Spirit.” (S&H 117:14-15)

An airline employee, who seemed very hurried, entered and asked if we had a Bible for him to read. I showed him to the study area, and he sat down to read an open Bible already marked with the 23rd Psalm. After an hour of additional study, he arose and asked if he could come back. I told him he was always welcome here!

A young man and woman entered and asked if they could read quietly in our study room while they waited for a connecting flight home. They mentioned having just flown in from their honeymoon at a Pacific resort destination. They both reached for a flyer off the attendant’s desk titled, “What is Christian Science?” and sat down to read in the study room. Over the next two and a half hours they read Bible verses from a large reader’s edition and the husband began to share with his wife financial and scheduling concerns about his returning to university this fall. It reminded me of the universal passage from the chapter titled, “Marriage” in Science and Health, “Fulfilling the different demands of their united spheres, their sympathies should blend in sweet confidence and cheer, each partner sustaining the other, — thus hallowing the union of interests and affections, in which the heart finds peace and home.” (S&H 59:11-16) The wife lovingly discussed each concern with her husband until he appeared reassured and confident in moving forward—the time then approached for them to connect with their last flight leg home. The couple departed outwardly expressing much gratitude for the quiet time of study and reflection they experienced, and I audibly expressed gratitude for the divine progress that unfolds daily in each of our lives.

A young man came by to visit, exclaiming he had some time before his flight departed and wanted to “check us out.” He asked about Christian Science and after explaining to him that it is a Bible-based religion which adheres to the words and works of Christ Jesus through the daily demonstration of those practical truths, he shared that he was very conflicted about his own religious beliefs. He proceeded to explain that one of his parents was Muslim and the other Christian. We talked about the universality of God and man. I read to him the respective definitions of each from the glossary in the Christian Science textbook and he really appreciated hearing the ‘connectedness’ between God and ‘his image and likeness,’ man. (S&H 591:6) He couldn’t stay long, and before departing asked rather sheepishly if I would give him a hug. I did so and then shared with him the spiritual universality of brotherhood and love, despite humankind’s individual beliefs. He took one of our Reading Room information flyers and said he would return on subsequent flight connections through the airport.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been at the airport for 66 years, sharing Christian Science and its healing principles with approximately 5700 visitors each year including travelers, airport personnel, and the local community–with over 60 copies of Science and Health sold annually!

Endowment Fund Giving

• We have recently established a Reading Room endowment fund to support both short-term and long-term operations at the airport.
• Our $4.5 million dollar endowment goal is ambitious, but necessary, for sustained operations in an expensive operating environment – we need your financial support today for ‘tomorrow!’
• Please consider giving to the endowment fund as part of individual, church, or CS Association outreach, or a future financial commitment through personal estate planning.
• If you are interested in giving to the endowment fund, please contact us by email at

Regular contributions are also always welcome.  Please return to our main website page to do so, or mail a check to our Treasurer at:

Harley Bennett, JMRR Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

We thank our participating churches that serve on the board year-round. They are:

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palo Alto

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Altos

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hayward

First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Rafael

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

The post Fruitage Report Winter 2023 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
Fruitage Report Spring 2023 Sat, 13 May 2023 04:24:57 +0000 “All Science is Christian Science; the Science of the Mind that is God, and of the universe as His idea, and their relation to each other.” (Mis. 4:6–9) Click here ...

The post Fruitage Report Spring 2023 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“All Science is Christian Science; the Science of the Mind that is God, and of the universe as His idea, and their relation to each other.” (Mis. 4:6–9)

Reading Room at SFO

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A young traveling couple came by saying they had seen our signs in the terminal area, and the words “Christian Science” piqued their curiosity. The young man indicated he was having challenges with addiction. I told him that God loves all his creations unconditionally and cherishes us as His perfect image and likeness. We discussed Jeremiah 17:14, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.” We also discussed Psalms 30:1, “I will extol thee, O Lord, for thou hast lifted me up, …” We then discussed a passage from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 393, “Be firm in your understanding that the divine Mind governs, and that in Science man reflects God’s government.” This young man asked if there were Reading Rooms in the area where he lived and so I shared with him a recent Christian Science Journal with the listings of numerous Reading Rooms in his hometown area.

A traveler from Ohio came by saying, “I saw your sign!” She said her late mother-in-law was a devoted Christian Scientist who helped to heal many with their challenges. She sat down in the study room for an hour and read the week’s Bible lesson which had been marked for study. I gave her a copy of the Bible lessons from the previous month, and she picked up some complimentary literature from our basket on her way out.

A woman came in and asked if she could charge her phone and I said “of course” as I showed her to the study room. When I later looked in on her, I found she was reading the week’s Bible lesson. She looked up and said, “What kind of place is this?” I explained there are Christian Science Reading Rooms all around the world and this one is the only one located at an airport. I further explained that the Reading Room is a quiet place for people to come and pray or to read the weekly Bible lesson as she was doing. I shared that the church’s pastor is the holy Bible and the book she was reading from, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I also explained how Mrs. Eddy discovered the religion and how our church structure was laid out as we went over the church tenets. I also gave her an introduction to some of the healing teachings. She departed with a pamphlet titled, “What is Christian Science?” and a Christian Science Journal to help her to locate a Christian Science church in her area.

One of the airport police officers came in. He said he’s been in the Reading Room several times and this time asked how we might pray for his ill brother in Ireland. We prayed together affirming that all mankind is under God’s loving, healing presence.

A telephone call was received requesting the page number of a poem in a recent Christian Science Sentinel. I was able to provide the caller with the information and the individual happily expressed appreciation.

A man who works at the airport came in and, after a brief glance at our window displays, sat down in front of the attendant’s desk. This man said he had visited our Reading Room months earlier and explained that he was an alcoholic. He shared that he recently had a relapse and was seeking help to overcome the temptation of liquor. We talked about the importance of having God in our lives as a basis of handling challenges. We discussed John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed,” and from Science and Health 260: 19-20, “Mortals must change their ideals in order to improve their models,” and 262:27, “The foundation of mortal discord is a false sense of man’s origin. … Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence.” Our conversations continued with return visits.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been here for nearly 66 years, meeting the spiritual needs of travelers, airport employees, and our local and global community. We are always looking for more volunteers willing to staff the Reading Room, as well as prayerful support and financial contributions.

To make an online donation, please return to our main website page, or mail a check to our Treasurer at:

Harley Bennett, JMRR Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

The post Fruitage Report Spring 2023 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
Replay of “Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus – a talk given by Ann Kneeland, C.S. at 2022 Annual Meeting Thu, 15 Dec 2022 02:41:55 +0000 Topic: “Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus Guest Speaker: Ann Kneeland, C.S. Listen to the replay of the excellent talk given at the 2022 Annual Meeting for Christian Science Reading ...

The post Replay of “Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus – a talk given by Ann Kneeland, C.S. at 2022 Annual Meeting first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus by Ann Kneeland, C.S.

Topic: “Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus
Guest Speaker: Ann Kneeland, C.S.

Listen to the replay of the excellent talk given at the 2022 Annual Meeting for Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. Feel free to share this talk!

The post Replay of “Come Unto Me” — Christ Jesus – a talk given by Ann Kneeland, C.S. at 2022 Annual Meeting first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
Fruitage Report Fall 2022 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:50:46 +0000 “Christian Science is more than a prophet or a prophecy: it presents not words alone, but works, — the daily demonstration of Truth and Love.”  (Mis. 373:30–32) Click here to ...

The post Fruitage Report Fall 2022 first appeared on Christian Science Reading Room.]]>
“Christian Science is more than a prophet or a prophecy: it presents not words alone, but works, — the daily demonstration of Truth and Love.”  (Mis. 373:30–32)

Study desks

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A former airport policeman stopped in indicating that he was in town for a meeting. Our conversation turned to the Bible when he asked, “What is Christian Science?” I began by explaining that it’s a religion based on the word and works of Christ Jesus and the examples of Jesus’ teachings that we can apply and demonstrate in our lives each day. I handed him a Christian Science brochure on the topic, and we agreed that if everyone were to live by the Sermon on the Mount, our country and world would be a very different place.  We also appreciated together the value and power of living that life for ourselves and following the example of Christ Jesus in everything we do. He spoke of the devil and so I asked him if he had seen the Disney movie “The Little Mermaid” to which he had.  I then described the scene where Ursula’s (the sea witch) two eels talked with Ariel, the Mermaid, suggesting for Ariel to go to the sea witch for a solution to her problems. Of course, Ariel says “no,” then the eels say, “It’s only a suggestion,” and Ariel accepts it and fatefully goes to Ursula. The visitor agreed that error’s claims are false and can’t suggest we do anything we don’t want to do. But, if we are alert to rejecting these false claims and replace them with thoughts of God, good, we are victorious and will stay on the straight and narrow path with Him. He said he used to get a beverage from the café opposite the Reading Room, but never ventured in to talk. He was glad he came in for the visit.

A young woman came in to ask if she could charge her cell phone, and immediately asked, “What kind of place is this?” I told her it is a Christian Science Reading Room, a quiet, peaceful place where people of all religions can come to study, pray, and be closer to God. She walked into the study room and as she charged her phone, she began reading recent copies of the Christian Science Sentinel and Journal. After an hour, she came out and asked if the testimonies of the healings she read were true, and I assured her they were. I further explained to her that a Christian Science Reading Room is a place to study and pray in a quiet, healing atmosphere and is part of the Christian Science Church, a religion that bases its teachings on the healings and lessons of Christ Jesus, the Way shower. I shared with her that all the healings she read were from Christian Scientists around the world, and there are Reading Rooms, as well, open to the public for spiritual discovery and support. I discussed Jesus’ healing ministry and, through study of the Bible, the lessons it taught Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science.  We talked about Mrs. Eddy turning to the Bible and reading of Jesus’ healing of the palsied man in the book of Matthew when she seriously injured herself after a fall on the ice.  Her clear understanding of how Jesus healed the man, seeing that God created all of us in His image and likeness, spiritual and perfect, led to her immediate and complete healing of all injuries from the fall. I then turned to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and read to the visitor the first few words on page 1, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.” She asked how she could learn to pray for healing, and I told her she could learn more by reading Science and Health and that there were many practitioners listed in the Christian Science Journal who would support her desire to heal herself and others.  She readily purchased Science and Health and picked up a brochure titled, “What is Christian Science?” Upon her exit, she smiled as I handed her a copy of the previous month’s Christian Science Journal from our complimentary literature basket.

An airport worker was on his way to the airport ‘Lost and Found’ desk and stopped in to ask, “How is Christian Science different from other Christian religions?” After some discussion of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of Christian Science, the visitor agreed that healing is possible as he shared examples of answered prayer in his own life. He asked for something he could take with him to better understand how Science and Health serves as an interpretive companion to the Bible and how both are recognized as our pastor.  I also explained how Christian Science churches around the world hear the same Bible lesson each week.  Prior to departing, the visitor purchased a copy of the Bible lesson, and he picked up a Christian Science Sentinel from our literature basket as well as an invitation flyer to an upcoming local Christian Science lecture. The visitor retuned 15 minutes later and shared that ‘Lost and Found’ was unable to locate his item. He then smiled and said he must have been led to this part of the airport terminal to stop and visit the Reading Room!

A gentleman who works at one of the airport Information booths stopped by to say that he has read The Christian Science Monitor since he was in college and how much he appreciated its “fair reporting.” He only had enough time to read a current article on Ukraine, but he gratefully accepted a recent Monitor from our literature basket on his way out.

I was getting ready to close and looked up when I was greeted by a young pilot from a regional airline, who asked “What is this place?” After mentioning that Christian Science is a religion based on the word and healings of Christ Jesus, I gave him a copy of a brochure titled “What is Christian Science?” and he took some free literature as he exited. I hope he might pass by again and visit sometime!

A man walked by the Reading Room a few times and I asked him if I could help him. “Is this the Reading Room?”, he asked. When I confirmed that it was, he said he saw our sign down the hall, that he is a Buddhist Priest, and was seeking a place to pray. We started to talk about some of the basic understandings of the world’s religions and, especially, the effect of Jesus’ ministry on the world. I told him our Reading Room is open to visitors of all backgrounds and practicing religions as a place for study, sharing, and learning more about Christian Science.

A visiting traveler went into the study room to read through the Beatitudes in the book of Matthew. Upon exiting, he mentioned heading to Iowa to conduct a memorial service for his grandfather and that he found what he needed for the service.  He said he would stop by the Reading Room on his return to San Francisco.

An airport electrician came by to read passages from an open Science and Health and Bible displayed in the front window. Upon leaving, he stuck his head into the doorway and said, “My father is a minister and I always like to tell him of the Bible passages in your window for us to discuss.”

An airport police officer came in for the first time and appeared to have a certain sadness about him. I expressed how wonderful it is to have so much of God’s abundant love around us, as a source to draw from when in need. We discussed the 91st Psalm in the Bible and how God’s love embraces us all. The visitor then appeared to be more at peace and, upon leaving, said he will be back. Shortly thereafter, I learned the visiting officer was so despondent because he shot and killed a criminal in the line of duty six months prior. I felt blessed to have been able to discuss some of the healings in the Bible with him that resulted in broadening his awareness of Christ in his life.

A man came in who shared he was raised in Hong Kong and that he now lives next to a Reading Room in San Francisco which he’s visited several times. He also shared that he has attended three services at a local Christian Science church. He had several questions about how to pray without being distracted. I shared some ideas with him when it occurred to me to call my daughter who manages The Mother Church department in Boston, MA that handles the language translations of all of Mary Baker Eddy’s written works. She told me how to find the link to the two Chinese translations of Science and Health at the website, He seemed very pleased to know where to find and purchase a Chinese translation of the Christian Science textbook.

A traveler on a long layover followed the airport maps to our location.  After arriving, she explained how she found us and remarked how surprised she was to see a Reading Room in an airport.  She was even more surprised when I explained we had been at the airport for nearly 66 years.  She said, “I am a Christian and feel such a sense of peace knowing you are here, and I know it has to be a blessing for all travelers arriving and departing the airport.”

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room.  We have been here for nearly 66 years, meeting the spiritual needs of travelers, airport employees, and our local and global community. We are always looking for more volunteers willing to staff the Reading Room, as well as prayerful support and financial contributions. 

To make an online donation, please return to our main website page, or mail a check to our Treasurer at:

Harley Bennett, JMRR Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Click here to download the Fruitage Report as a PDF.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

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Fruitage Report Spring 2022 Fri, 20 May 2022 20:42:33 +0000 “Christian Science is more than a prophet or a prophecy: it presents not words alone, but works, — the daily demonstration of Truth and Love.”  (Mis. 373:30–32) Click here to ...

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“Christian Science is more than a prophet or a prophecy: it presents not words alone, but works, — the daily demonstration of Truth and Love.”  (Mis. 373:30–32)

Study desks

Click here to download this Fruitage Report as a pdf.

A visitor came out of the study room and was excited to talk about the passages he had just read in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. He came in, sat down, and began reading through the textbook and was so pleased because it answered many of his questions.  He said he would like to come in again and learn some more about Christian Science. I said, “Why don’t you purchase a copy of Science and Health? It is only $13.” He was then shown a new copy of both the marble and the mid-sized Sterling editions. He said, “Oh, I’ll purchase one of each.  Science and Health is in the hands of a new reader who will learn and heal with our textbook.”

An airport employee came in and asked a question many attendants hear very often, “What is Christian Science?” We talked about Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of Christian Science through her study of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings and healing works which led to her deeper understanding of God as infinite Love. This spiritual understanding and the demonstration of God’s qualities in our daily lives and in prayer can heal, redeem, and restore anyone. He then asked some good questions and departed with a pamphlet that further explains the origin of Christian Science, church activities, and the role of both Christian Science practitioners and nurses in healing. He also purchased one of the themed booklets titled, Freedom from Addiction, and then returned to his duties at the airport.

A young man came in wondering what Christian Science was all about.  He was given a copy of “What is Christian Science?” and then we discussed the basic truths of our religion as “the law of God, the law of good…” as defined by Mrs. Eddy in the book Rudimental Divine Science.  He departed with some Christian Science periodicals and a better understanding of God as “. . . all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all loving, and eternal;…” (S&H 587:5-6) and man as “…the spiritual image and likeness of God;” (S&H 591:5-6)

A woman came in for a long visit as she had a lengthy wait for her next plane.  She knew nothing about Christian Science nor Mary Baker Eddy, so I started by giving her a handout titled, “What is Christian Science?” I also pointed out our weekly Bible sermon as she was provided a past copy of the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons. We talked in the study room and when she asked for some prayers, I gave her some of our free pamphlets, including one on the Scientific Statement of Being, which we discussed.  She also asked about ‘mesmerism’ which led to pointing her to chapter 5, “Animal Magnetism Unmasked” in Science and Health which she then eagerly read.  We had several thoughtful chats resulting in her taking from the free literature basket several past copies of periodicals, including The Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Journal as she happily departed.

A telephone visitor called in asking to pick up two printed articles and a testimony that were in previous editions of Christian Science Sentinels. I was able to locate one article dealing with a serious skin condition and the other overcoming challenges of alcohol abuse.  In reading through the testimony, I learned the author was arrested many times, but his discovery of Christian Science and Science and Health enabled him to overcome both challenges and eventually led to Christian Science class instruction and church membership.  I was inspired by the account and know this wonderful proof of spiritual progress will meet the needs of our visitor as well.

A young woman came into the Reading Room exclaiming, “Oh great, you’re open!” She was from Boston and said the last time she visited San Francisco was just before the airport’s shutdown due to the pandemic. She said she was working on a challenge and needed time and a quiet place to study.  She was able to spend over an hour in the study room, and then picked up some periodicals and departed with a smile.  I was so happy knowing the Reading Room is serving its purpose “to disseminate our Leader’s revelation for the enlightenment of the world, and providing comfort, spiritual inspiration and a place for prayer and study, for travelers and others.” (Jointly Maintained Reading Room Bylaws)

“Hey, what is this place and what is Christian Science?” a visitor exclaimed as he walked in and took a seat in front of the attendant’s desk. His enthusiasm prompted an hour-long discussion on the teachings and healing efficacy of Christian Science, beginning with the answer to his first question, “Christian Science is a religion based on the words and works of Christ Jesus.”  During the hour, we read aloud the opposing accounts of creation in the first and second chapters of Genesis, reaffirming the absolute truth of the first account as man spiritually created in God’s image and likeness. (Gen. 1:26) The following passage shared from Science and Health helped the visitor further understand his relationship to our Father-Mother God, “As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being.” (361:16-18) When the visitor then asked what he could specifically do each day to put into practice the teachings of Christian Science, we discussed how to pray for himself and others and turned to a guiding principle in Science and Health that he truly appreciated, “Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers.” (S&H 15:26–27) As the visitor departed, he selected some Christian Science periodicals from our literature basket to take with him.

“What kind of place is this?”, a visitor walked in exclaiming.  I explained the Reading Room was an extension of Christian Science Bay Area churches and a place to pray and connect with God.  I further shared that the premise of our church is based on the healings of Christ Jesus as given in the Holy Bible.  We read from the book of Job 23:13-14, “He is one mind and, who can turn him? . . . For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me:” This led me to introduce Mary Baker Eddy and her textbook, Science and Health.  I read aloud the first sentence in the Preface, “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.” (S&H vii:1-2) I pointed out that Jesus’ healing ability and ministry is just as possible for us today as it was in his time.  I gave him an older Bible lesson Quarterly to study from and explained that our church’s pastor was the Bible and Science and Health.  As we read over some of the Bible lesson citations, he was provided the pamphlet titled, “What is Christian Science?”  He also took some periodicals from our literature distribution basket when I explained they contained accounts of healings through reliance on Christian Science.  After about an hour, our visitor departed spiritually enlightened and eager to find a Christian Science church in the local area.

A couple standing outside our front door looked lost so I went out to offer some assistance. After directing them to the right airport location, the man looked up at our sign above the door and said to his wife, “He works at the Christian Science Reading Room!”  This is a very common experience shared by all our attendants. An act of kindness and outreach resulted in an acknowledgement of appreciation and receptivity.

A young woman came limping into the Reading Room complaining of a leg injury and how one leg was visibly swollen.  I said to her compassionately, “Who said so?” The question captured her attention and receptivity as I mentioned the importance of seeing and accepting God as perfect and her likeness as His perfect expression.  I read to her from Science and Health, “Jesus established in the Christian era the precedent for all Christianity, theology, and healing. Christians are under as direct orders now, as they were then, to be Christlike, to possess the Christ-spirit, to follow the Christ-example, and to heal the sick as well as the sinning.” (S&H 138:17-18) She went into the study room for over an hour and when she came out the limping and swelling had both disappeared!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room.  We have been here for 65 years, meeting the spiritual needs of travelers, airport employees, and our local and global community. We are always looking for more volunteers willing to staff the Reading Room, as well as prayerful support and financial contributions. 

To make an online donation, please return to our main website page, or mail a check to our Treasurer at:

Harley Bennett, JMRR Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Click here to download the Fruitage Report as a PDF.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

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Replay of “The Universal Panacea” – talk given by Carol Miller, C.S. at 2021 Annual Meeting Tue, 21 Dec 2021 20:06:31 +0000 Topic: “The Universal Panacea” Guest Speaker: Carol Miller, C.S. Listen to the replay of the excellent talk given at the 2021 Annual Meeting for Christian Science Reading Room at the ...

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Carol Miller, C.S. - The Universal Panacea

Topic: “The Universal Panacea”
Guest Speaker: Carol Miller, C.S.

Listen to the replay of the excellent talk given at the 2021 Annual Meeting for Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. Feel free to share this talk!

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Fruitage Report Fall 2021 Mon, 29 Nov 2021 21:33:06 +0000 “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my ...

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“Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.” (Psalms 143:8)

Reading Room at SFO

Greetings and blessings from the Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. Enjoy the fruitage reported by our attendants:

Often visitors come in who wonder about Christian Science, and so it was with a young man, who came in. He was introduced to Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures. I explained how Mrs. Eddy came to write her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. He asked me if I was a teacher. I said that I am not a formal teacher of Christian Science, and he replied, “How can you say that? You have been teaching me ever since I walked in here and sat down.” I laughed and explained the concept of Christian Science class instruction. He was shown several different copies of Science and Health and invited the sale. Perhaps another time.

A visitor came in and asked what we were about. I introduced him to Christian Science and to Mary Baker Eddy and her wonderful book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. We talked about religion versus spirituality and judgment. He didn’t purchase a book but thanked me for the explanation. I thanked him for his military service in the U.S. Coast Guard. He then shared with me some of the experiences of his training and that he’s taught attitude is more important than anything when recovering from injury in the line-of-duty. So even if one does not believe in God, they should be optimistic in their thinking. If one does believe in God, they should just ask God for help as it’s already on the way.

A visitor arrived and asked, “What do you do here?” I said, “We sell books—particularly this one,” as I pointed to the Science and Health sitting on the desk. I also explained that Mary Baker Eddy figured out how Jesus healed and became a great healer herself, teaching others to heal themselves and eventually writing Science and Health. After sharing excerpts from the first page and the Glossary, I reached behind me and pulled out the small marble edition of Science and Health and offered to sell him a copy. He said he would love a copy because he and his girlfriend study the Bible together. I said, “Oh goodie, this book will light up the Bible for you. You will love it!” It is so good to present Science and Health to our visitors.

A visitor came in toward the end of the day and said, “How wonderful to have a Christian Science Reading Room! What is this?” She knew it was great. She was invited to sit down, and she said she only had 40 minutes to spend with us. She was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing through her deep study of the Bible and told how Mrs. Eddy came to write Science and Health. After I read her the first sentence of the book, I showed her several other chapters including Fruitage and the Glossary. She was then shown the marble edition, and she replied, “I would like two!” She also took time to browse the themed pamphlets on display. I took some time to share them with her, and I also gave her two Christian Science Sentinels to show her where some the articles for the themed pamphlets come from. I also shared with her The Christian Science Monitor.

A woman came in to tell me how much she loved The Christian Science Monitor and how fair and upbeat the reporting was. She thanked me and helped herself to some of the past Monitor editions in the free literature basket.

A young man came in and asked if I had a Bible he could read. He read for a while and then I noticed he was reading Science and Health. When he came out of the study room, I explained some of the book to him and invited him to buy it. He said he could not purchase anything right now because he was broke. I told him that instead of claiming he was limited or lacking in some way that he should acknowledge God as his true provider of all that is good and express gratitude for whatever he could think of. I purchased a marble edition of Science and Health for him.

A couple from Worcester, MA came in on their way to visiting San Francisco for the week. She and her husband were Christian Scientists and were so excited and happy to see the Reading Room at the airport. Following a week of sightseeing and before catching their return flight home, they stopped in again to purchase the beautiful new book, Stories of Healing/Jesus and His Followers. We had a wonderful time visiting together.

Despite the fact that so much construction has been going on very near us, many visitors have found us, and we are grateful for the blessing. On July 4th, I arrived to work early so I had time to get a morning snack over in the International Terminal. On the way back to the Reading Room, the Air Train arrival appeared significantly delayed. A man who was waiting called the Air Train help line and couldn’t get an answer. As I waited, an angel message came with a statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, “All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power.” (515:22) A half-minute later, the Air Train came around the bend and arrived. A man nearby who was also waiting stood up, so I said to him, “Do you know what I did? I prayed.” He came over to me and said, “How?” I told him that I work at the Christian Science Reading Room in Terminal 2, C Concourse, and then I repeated to him what I had earlier prayed. As we both boarded the Air Train, he said, “Thank you!” I just love Christian Science!

One morning, a woman was waiting for me to open the Reading Room. She had flown in on an early flight from Atlanta and told me that she had met me a few years ago and I was very kind to her. We talked for a while and she was reintroduced her to Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy. Her questions were answered, but she had some issues with being victimized. We talked about forgiveness, and I helped her to forgive and to learn the Lord’s Prayer with the spiritual interpretation in Science and Health which, in part, highlights the Golden Rule, “And Love is reflected in love.” (17:7). I also introduced her to the notion of “the divine manifestation of God” or “Christ. . . which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.” (583:10) She was so grateful and departed with a trade edition of Science and Health and a copy of Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer that had been donated.

An airport employee who works passenger security, and routinely visits the Reading Room, came in and shared that his grandmother, who had raised him, passed away and he was very sad. I shared with him that I too had experienced the passing of a loved one. I found great comfort in knowing what is stated in Science and Health, where Mrs. Eddy states, “The Bible calls death an enemy, and Jesus overcame death and the grave instead of yielding to them” (39:13–14), which I shared. He asked where our churches are located, and so he was shown the church directory in theChristian Science Journal and was given a copy. He was fascinated by the Journal articles. On the way out he looked at the themed booklets, and I pointed out the one titled, Overcoming Grief. He read one article and felt better. During other visits, I have tried to explain to him a little of Christian Science, but he interrupts me so much I have trouble getting through. Instead, when he has questions, I share related excerpts from Science and Health which helps answer his questions. Today he asked an easy one, “What is Key to the Scriptures?” I showed him some Bible citations in Genesis and their spiritual interpretations from the chapter titled, “Genesis” in Science and Health. He decided he would buy a full set of books when he gets his next paycheck.

A young woman walked in and explained that she visited last year and had spoken with an attendant about a persistent skin condition on her leg. After speaking with the attendant, who shared a healing message with her, and spending time reading in the study room, she was healed. She came by to share her gratitude and appreciation for the attendant’s help and for the presence of the Reading Room at the airport. God bless our Reading Room and all our wonderful visitors.

A woman came into the Reading Room asking if we had a Spanish translation of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. An early trade edition of the Spanish textbook was offered to her in exchange for a donation. She generously gave us a $20 bill! She said that she was picking up a friend at the airport, who was asking her about God’s goodness and spiritual healing. She had talked to him over the years about God and some of the teachings of Christian Science and decided to come to the airport a little early to purchase a copy of the Spanish translation of Science and Health for him. I thought that was so sweet and generous of her.

An airport employee came in this morning who works in the control tower next door to us. She told me she passes by us all the time and finally decided to come in. She was invited to come in and sit down. I introduced the visitor to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures, and how she came to write Science and Health. She said she is getting a master’s degree in psychology and pursuing a career in professional counseling with a Christian focus. I said, “Oh you will love this book. It will really light up the Scriptures. Mrs. Eddy, before she had her first spiritual healing from reading the Scriptures, realized that healing sickness and maintaining health had a significant mental component.” The woman readily purchased a Sterling midsized paperback edition of Science and Health. I love Christian Science! What a blessing we are for everyone.

A traveler came in and said, “What is Christian Science?” He was invited to take a seat where he was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian Science. He went on about how his dad almost died last year but the conversation was steered back to Christian Science, where he was invited to purchase Science and Health, which he declined. However, he was shown the first page of the textbook and the first two Tenets, the Lord’s Prayer, and the definition of God in the Glossary. I explained that Science and Health would help him understand the gospels, but he again declined to purchase a copy. We had a wonderful conversation and it seemed that Christian Science made an impression on him.

A visitor came in just before closing and asked if we had books in Russian. He was shown a copy of Science and Health in English with a Russian translation. He said, “Oh this will help me with my English, but I am kind of lazy!” The Russian edition would help him greatly. He happily purchased a copy of the textbook, and since he travels through the airport 6 to 8 times a year it is hoped that he will come by again soon.

An early evening visitor walked in and began asking a lot of questions starting with, “What does science have to do with Christianity?” I explained that Mary Baker Eddy characterized her discovery of Christian Science as the daily practical demonstration and proof of God’s laws as powerful spiritual mandates, always present and operating to bring healing and redemption, just as in Jesus’ time. Continuing with the explanation of how Mrs. Eddy came to writeScience and Health, he was offered the purchase of the textbook. It was also explained the textbook would reveal the scriptures to him for better understanding. He purchased a Sterling mid-sized paperback edition and asked me to write something inside the book. As the Librarian, I sent him God’s blessings and love. God bless our Reading Room and all our visitors.

One morning upon arriving, I found a note saying that a woman from northern California called expressing gratitude for our Fruitage Reports. How thoughtful and loving to take the time to call. It was much appreciated.

A woman came in and asked me if I could pray with her. I said of course, please sit down. I asked if there was anything or anyone special for whom we were praying, and she said, “Yes, that her daughter was doing well, and she wanted to pray to keep her doing well.” We prayed the Lord’s prayer and, near the end, I added the spiritual interpretation for the last line of the prayer from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 17. Then I told her how loved both she and her daughter were. She told me that her daughter suggested that she be dropped off here early because she would probably want to visit this bookstore in the airport. It came to me to say, “I bet you like the Bible.” She said, “Oh yes, I have many Bibles.” I said, “I have a book that will light up the Bible for you. It is this book.” I pointed to Science and Health, and offered it for sale. She got her credit card out and purchased the marble edition. I said let me pray God to bless your flight. “May the Lord preserve thy going out and thy coming in” (Psalms 121:8), which to the air traveler means, “May you get there on schedule, with all your luggage and carry-on items, uneventfully and smoothly.” We have great visitors.

A Christian Scientist came in and wanted to read the lesson. He had earlier called for directions to our Reading Room store. After he finished reading, he gave us a nice contribution. I thanked him, and he asked if we had an old Science and Health he could give away on a plane to someone receptive. The contribution he gave us was enough that he was given a new mid-sized Sterling edition of Science and Health. He thanked me and I could not help thinking he was taking the Reading Room with him to benefit someone receptive to the wonderful ideas in Science and Health and to Christian Science.

We are grateful for all of our visitors. We know that all visitors are blessed by coming here and we ask daily that we are able to bless those ready to receive.

Please visit us on the Web at Tel: 650-821-0105

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been here for 64 years, meeting the spiritual needs of travelers and airport personnel. We are requesting more volunteers to staff the Reading Room as well as prayerful support and financial contributions.

We thank our participating churches that serve on the board year round. They are:

  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco, CA
  • Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palo Alto, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Altos, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hayward, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Rafael, CA

To send a donation, please visit our website at mail to our Treasurer at:

Christian Science Reading Room Jointly Maintained
Harley Bennett, Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Download this Fruitage Report as a PDF

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Fruitage Report Spring 2021 Sat, 19 Jun 2021 19:35:23 +0000   Greetings and blessings from the Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. John Mitchell, a long time attendant and previous board member of our Reading Room, ...

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Reading Room at SFO

Greetings and blessings from the Christian Science Reading Room at the San Francisco International Airport. John Mitchell, a long time attendant and previous board member of our Reading Room, gave us a wonderful message for our annual meeting. Enjoy some excerpts from his talk, The Timeless Relevance of Christian Science Reading Rooms:

“I have loved my association with the SFO Reading Room over the last 15+ years. I love knowing there’s a haven from the world right in the midst of one of the busiest international airports in the world. There’s no proselytizing, no overt marketing, no call to prayers¾just a gracious presence that welcomes anyone to find and feel the Christ.

“No matter where a Reading Room is located, it can be somewhat intimidating to serve there! But I will never forget a key point that our wonderful Committee on Publication for Northern California, and CSB, Eric Nelson, shared at one of his seminars. Essentially, he said, ‘We don’t have to be authorities on Christian Science when we are asked a question, nor do we have to give the perfect answer. Instead, we simply share what our own experience has been in Christian Science—how it has animated our life. That’s the most important thing to say and is what the questioner is most interested in hearing.’ Our own stories are central to the way we engage with fellow church members and with the outside world.

“How often do we pray to support the CSRR as a healing presence in our community? As a presence that uplifts the neighborhood, protects the neighborhood, and maybe even startles the neighborhood awake to a different reality? It’s a peace-filled place for ‘earnest longings’ to be revealed and responded to. It’s a quiet place for individual study and where one can find a safe and comfortable community—just the visitor and the librarian or attendant — to more deeply explore The Word. What an invitation the Reading Room is for us, as practicing Christians, to share the fact and the proof — our own healing experience — that ‘He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions’ (Psalms 107:20). The Reading Room is a nonjudgmental and discreet oasis. It’s an uninterrupted place where ideas can be tried out, shared, developed, researched. Its presence, its vibe, is all about healing, even when we don’t know that we’re looking for healing or needing healing. Just think of the countless blessings Reading Rooms have been privy to, if not instigated, through the years—more evidence of ongoing relevance!

“From my vantage point, a lot of people are searching for God—they’re seeking a spiritual view because they see a human picture that appears to be hopelessly flawed, if not shattered. The CS Reading Room and the attendants or librarians who serve their offer the open hand that aids their search. (That sounds to me like the Reading Room has timeless relevance.)

“There’s no magic formula for a Christian Science Reading Room to be successful. It’s not complicated. It takes work and a commitment to doing it. It requires the power of prayer, including those of the membership, as well as dedicated human effort. The stories that touch us always include an attendant who has devoted time to praying while serving—which invariably draws the seeker (if not several) to the window, and then through the open door. Christian Science Reading Rooms have changed the way they look to remain current with the times. But their purpose, their feel, their outreach to the world—their relevance as the open hand of the Christ, Truth—is truly timeless.”

Enjoy the fruitage reported by our attendants:

A man came in and asked, “What is Christian Science?” and immediately began telling me his story. I listened a little while, and he told me he was a terrible sinner and had been to prison. I said, “It is OK. You are better than you think you are. Stop beating up on yourself. You are a good man who has made a mistake or two, and who hasn’t?” He said, “What about judgment day?” I said, according to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (to which I was about to introduce him), judgment is ongoing here on earth. “No final judgment awaits mortals, for the judgment-day of wisdom comes hourly and continually, even the judgment by which mortal man is divested of all material error.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 291:28–31) Finally, he let me tell him that Mary Baker Eddy figured out how Jesus healed and wrote this wonderful book. He had several questions which I answered, and I told him these were answered more fully in the “Physiology” and “Science, Theology and Medicine” chapters of Science and Health. I asked him if he had $13 to buy the book and he replied, “No!” Behind the desk I found a small blue leather Science and Health which had few markings, and I gave it to him. He treated it like a treasure. I saw him later in the airport when he walked by, and he waived at me with the little book in his hand. Before he left, he told me he would read it and share it, and I prayed that it blesses everyone who has it henceforth.

A traveling young man came in and said, “I’m not a Christian Scientist but would just like to look around and read for a bit.” I encouraged him to do so. He looked through our older and free periodicals and after several minutes selected two Journals to take with him. After looking through our displays, he asked if we had any books that were authored other than by Mary Baker Eddy, and I led him to the space behind the attendant’s desk and showed him several books that would meet his need, including some of the autobiographies for sale. He spent about 10 minutes perusing and reading through various books and then turned around and said, “I’d like to buy this one.” I exclaimed, “Excellent, you selected Science and Health!” Despite his earlier comments, I had a sense that Science and Health was the book he was seeking and searching for all along. The visitor departed very happy and grateful for his “find,” and the on-coming attendant gave him directions to security and his connecting gate.

A woman was waiting when I came in at 8 a.m. She really wanted some literature. I immediately put the literature basket outside the door and she looked through it. She selected a Christian Science Monitor and a Christian Science Sentinel and remarked, “I wish more people knew of this wonderful literature you provide!” I could not help thinking, “It’s the best in the world.” I said, “It provides solutions to every conceivable human problem!”

An employee of the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) came in and asked, “What is this place? I pass it all the time but really should ask.” I told him we are a bookstore and we sell the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, who figured out how Jesus healed. She got really good at it and taught other people how to do it, and eventually they wanted to start a church. So they did. She had trouble getting her books published, so she started the Christian Science Publishing Society. He asked, “Do you have the book?” I showed him the Science and Health on display, specifically the first page, first sentence, of chapter one, and read it out loud. I asked if he wanted a copy, and he replied, “Yes, I think I do.” He gave me $20 and would not accept the change!

One of our attendants was vacationing in Hawaii, and staying at a bed and breakfast. The couple they were staying with had some real physical challenges. The attendant mentioned to the couple that she was a Christian Scientist and that through their understanding of God and man and Christian Science their needs for healing would be met. Would they be open to spiritual healing? They were very receptive. The attendant tried to find a local reading room but was unsuccessful, so she thought of our reading room, knowing we were open for business. She called us, and gave us their name and address, and we sent the couple a copy of Science and Health, a Christian Science Journal, a Christian Science Sentinel and Christian Science Monitor. I mailed these to them on my way home and was told they arrived in two or three days. We were so happy we could help! I am confident the couple are on the way to full healing and spiritual growth.

A young man came in while waiting to be picked up. He asked, “What is Christian Science? Your sign intrigued me.” We discussed God’s creation is “very good”—”perfect for the purpose God designed it,” according to Dummelow’s Bible Commentary by John Dummelow. He asked about a virus. I explained that a virus is not from God. As to his concern that evil could win over good, we reviewed the account in revelation where the dragon is defeated—the battle was already won! Before his ride arrived, he selected a Christian Science Monitor and six or seven Christian Science Sentinels from the Free Literature basket. And I was able to explain how he could find a church or reading room at his final destination through

One of our Fruitage Report readers called to tell us how much she enjoyed our reports. She is a librarian at a downtown reading room. She noticed that in nearly every account the attendant introduces the visitor to Christian Science, its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, and that the attendant presents Science and Health and invites the purchase. The caller said she got a visitor who asked, “What is this place? What is Christian Science?” She introduced the visitor to Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery, and invited the visitor to purchase the book—and she sold her first copy of Science and Health! Bravo!

A woman came in asking about how to help her nephew who has a problem with addiction. We talked about Christianity and how Christian Science is Christian. I had noticed the 2018 Christian Science Sentinel on addiction in the Free Basket and gave her that and a Journal so her nephew could find a church near him. Then she mentioned not understanding the Bible. I explained how Science and Health is a key to the Scriptures, and just like a key doesn’t replace a door, it opens the door, Science and Health helps explain the Bible. She accepted an older full-text bible lesson CD as a gift. We looked in the Journal and found there is a church near her. I also told her about a chronological Study Bible. I read it last year and encouraged her to study the Bible herself.

A man from the Ukraine came in with appreciation for the Reading Room as a place to pray. He said, “Every airport should have something like this.” We spoke for several minutes discussing Christian Science. He left with one of our brochures.

Three employees from U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency stopped in during their extended break from a day-long training session. They were inspired by the fact we had a presence at the airport and thought it was wonderful we had been there to serve employees and travelers for 64 years. Following their initial questions and a brief explanation of how a Christian Science Reading Room serves communities around the world, the three visitors were immediately drawn to the colorful display of small pamphlets devoted to spiritually addressing many topics and issues pertinent to the times. One of the visitors took particular interest in and inquired as to the meaning of the pamphlet titled Healing Animal Magnetism. I explained that animal magnetism is any thought or claim that comes to our thinking that directly or even subtly opposes God, good, and that and that recognizing these false thoughts helps us correctly see ourselves as the perfect image and likeness, or reflection, of His creation. “How lovely!” the visitor responded. Each of the three visitors then proceeded to select and purchase a pamphlet to take with them — God’s Law of Adjustment; Possession; and True Womanhood. As they cheerfully departed, one visitor said to another, “I like yours, too. Let’s swap and share pamphlets after we’ve each had an opportunity to read the one we each selected!”

I met a woman in the Ladies Room and she asked where I was going. I told her we had a little store just inside the front door. She said, “I will come in.” She did, and I listened to her tell me about her experiences in 2020. It was very hard on her because her beloved husband passed on. I let her pour her heart out and I stood quietly, feeling great compassion for her. When she looked up, I told her that really there is no death. We talked awhile and she was somewhat comforted. I introduced her to Science and Health and to Mrs. Eddy, but her ride showed up soon thereafter. I do think she will come again when she comes through the airport.

A lovely woman from Utah came into the Reading Room and asked, “What is Christian Science?” and I was so happy to invite her to sit down. I had not heard that question as often as I would like since the decline in airline traffic. She was introduced to Mary Baker Eddy and her discovery of Christian healing in the Scriptures, and was told how she came to write her wonderful book. She said she was a Christian and open to new ideas about it. I asked for the sale and she said, “Oh yes, I would love to have a copy.” I was elated. As she paid for it, she said, “I have a question for you.” Expecting a metaphysical or Scriptural question, I was surprised to hear her ask me how she could get to the Indian Consulate. I laughed at myself as we found it on the computer map and she was told the best way to get there.

A man read our Christian Science Monitor window display, and I waved at him and pointed to the free literature box. And then I turned my hand as if to encourage him to help himself. He took two Christian Science Monitors, a Christian Science Journal and a Christian Science Sentinel. Then he popped his head in the door and thanked us for being Christian, and for being here, in the airport! He told me God had saved his life from a car wreck which was supposed to have been fatal. He was totally healed through the prayers of his friends and loved ones. I beamed and thanked him for helping himself to our literature.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many Christian Science churches and individuals for their interest in and support of this Reading Room. We have been here for 64 years, meeting the spiritual needs of travelers and airport personnel. We are requesting more volunteers to staff the Reading Room as well as prayerful support and financial contributions.

We thank our participating churches that serve on the board year round. They are:

  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco, CA
  • Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, San Francisco, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Palo Alto, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Altos, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, Hayward, CA
  • First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Rafael, CA

For comments, questions, or to send a donation, please visit our website or mail to:

Christian Science Reading Room Jointly Maintained
Harley Bennett, Treasurer
23871 Willows Drive, #384
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Donations Doubled until May 31, 2021

We have a most generous donor who has offered to double the amount you give up to $21,000. This will allow us to keep our doors open—to travelers and to the world community. To make your donation, send a check to our Treasurer (address above) or visit our website at We are an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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